On the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2024, Dr. Nguyen Viet Anh, Director of the Culture and Tourism Network (CTNet) at AVSE Global, had an interview with Tuoi Tre newspaper on the topic of teaching Vietnamese. With over a decade of experience teaching Vietnamese to foreigners in France, Dr. Nguyen Viet Anh has a different perspective on the common saying ‘Phong ba bão táp không bằng ngữ pháp Việt Nam’ (Roughly translated: A stormy battlefield is not as challenging as Vietnamese grammar).
According to Dr. Nguyen Viet Anh, instead of focusing on grammar and new vocabulary like other languages, the crucial first step in learning Vietnamese is to understand the culture. Culture is an integral and inseparable part of language, and for Vietnamese, it holds even more significance. Right from learning greetings or expressions of gratitude, learners should also delve into the culture, understanding how different ways of saying hello or thank you are employed by the Vietnamese people.
Dr. Nguyen Viet Anh’s students come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from different generations of Vietnamese diaspora to foreigners. Despite their varying backgrounds, they all share a common love for Vietnam. Therefore, no matter how tired he may be, Dr. Nguyen Viet Anh remains energetic and enthusiastic when teaching. The daily lives and communication styles of Vietnamese people are intricately woven into his lessons, making it easy for his students to connect with Vietnamese culture, regardless of geographical distances.
Let’s delve into more details and insights shared by this expert in the images below.
Source: Tuoi tre