We all share the same value system and culture of sustainability across past-present-future. At SUDNet, our policy is always to take into account the perspective of all 4 stakeholders of Living-lab: Society/Citizen, Academia, Businesses, Government/Authority. At the same time, we believe that human beings are an inseparable part of nature, this is one of our criteria for publication of the scientific paper, and propose technological solutions for cities. The outcome will be applied & evaluated through projects and communication channels within the ecosystem of AVSE Global. We’re aiming to establish community goodwill to collaborate and pursue the mission of sustainable urban development in Vietnam.

Network Director
Viet Tung Dinh, MSc.
Since 2001, Viet Tung Dinh has discovered his values and goals pursuing an urban planner career. He had also experienced the valuation & challenge of urban development in Vietnam. Determined to find an answer, he went through two Master’s programs at the Paris-EUP School of Urban Planning and the National school of Architecture – Paris LaVillette. Internationality is identified as an element to refine his complementary perspective on the theme “Human-City-Nature learns to coexist in harmony”. These theories continue to be assessed through collaboration with the French regional planning agency AREP in Paris and the Regional Institute of Paris– IPR. Therefrom, his approach on urban planning philosophy is rooted in the harmonious link between “Human-Human and Human-Nature”.