Finance and Banking Network (FBNet) is a non-profit organization specializing in Finance and Banking under the Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts Global (AVSE Global). The FBNet aims to improve the research capacity of Vietnamese scholars and the credentials of Vietnamese practitioners in the field of Finance and Banking. To do this, FBNet will develop multiple platforms for Vietnamese scholars and practitioners to connect, learn, share, and exchange their knowledge and skills not only among themselves but also with international scholars and practitioners.

Network Director
Hung Do, Ph.D.
Hung is currently an Associate Professor in Finance and Director of Master of Finance program at Massey Business School (MBS). He has been a member of the MBS Assurance of Learning committee since 2019 and was a member of the MBS board committee between 2019 and 2020. Prior to Massey, he had worked for major banks in Australia including Westpac and Commonwealth Bank of Australia. On the academic side, he had worked at the School of Business, Monash University Malaysia, and University of Technology, Sydney. He obtained a Ph.D. in Financial Econometrics (2013) from Monash University Australia. Hung’s research interests are in Banking, Credit Risk, Empirical Finance, Energy Economics, and Time-series econometrics. He has published in highly ranked international refereed journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Energy Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, and Economics Letters, among others.
Main Activities
Advancement of Financial Economics (ISAFE)
Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance (VSBF)
Vietnam Symposium in Climate Transition (VSCT)