CTNet is a network established to foster international collaboration and exchange in the domains of culture, heritage, and tourism. Our core activities include researching & discussing global trends and challenges, providing tailored solutions for cultural and tourism issues in Vietnam, and advocating for responsible sustainable tourism practices. Additionally, CTNet collaborates closely with government agencies and provinces to advise and implement effective strategies, leveraging specialized expertise to support policy makers. We believe that by unlocking the potential of culture and guiding the growth of tourism today, we will create everlasting value for Vietnam tomorrow.

Network Director
Viet Anh Nguyen, Ph.D.
National Institute for Oriental Languages & Civilizations (INALCO), France
Viet Anh NGUYEN holds a Ph.D. in Language Sciences from the Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU, HN). She is also a scholarship holder of Master’s Degree in Sciences and Management of Tourism from the Free University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium. After teaching at Hanoi National University, INALCO and Paris-Diderot University, Viet Anh is currently a lecturer at Paris Saclay University and an active member of the research team PLIDAM (Multiple Language and Identity: Teaching, Acquisition, Mediations) at INALCO. Her research interests focus on the teaching of languages and cultures, the multilingualism and the multiculturalism. Viet Anh is also working as Director of Strategy and Development of ETC Global, a company specialized in international education, study abroad programs and tourism in Europe. At the Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts (AVSE Global), Viet Anh is the Director of the Culture and Tourism Network.